
Custom Rider Workshops

Kate Roosa

Rider Biomechanics Coach

BS, Neuroscience; Earlham College

Harmony Horsemanship Instructor, Level III

Leverage neuroscience.

Find your center.

Align your body with your beliefs.


  • Explore how your body parts interact and find new feelings in unmounted exercises.

  • Planning your rides for optimal experience for horse and rider.

  • How do you show up for yourself so that you can show up for your horse?

  • Rhythm, cadence, tempo and more

  • Take a tour of your fascia and how it connects everything!

  • How does learning happens on to single nerve level for us and our horses.

  • Discover your limiting beliefs and strategies for overcoming them.

  • Explore the elements of self-carriage... in yourself.

  • What's really happening in "heels down" and "shoulder back"?

  • Move beyond drilling skills to deeper practice.

  • Identify your patterns and choose the habits you want to build.

  • Exercises to develop awareness, alignment and strength without a saddle.

  • Opening your awareness and trusting your self-knowledge.

  • Are you your own worst enemy or your biggest supporter?

  • Interpreting your horse's behavior and influencing it according to the natural psychology and sociology of the herd.

  • Navigating the need to show up for horses as our best self with the messy reality of progress.


One-on-One Workshop

$150, 90min

+ travel expenses

Group Workshop

$500, 2hr

+ material fees

+ travel expenses

max participants vary by workshop

Material Fees

Vary by workshop

Request a Workshop

Haul in to Hideaway, ride my horses or I’ll travel to you!

We can work together one on one, or gather a group!

Let’s design an experience for you!