Riding & Horsemanship

We don’t just teach riding lessons.

Because before we love riding, we love horses.

We love sharing the warmth of their breath, the joy in their movement, and the thrill of their speed. So we are inspired by our love of the horse to become not only capable riders, but trustworthy partners. We are driven to seek knowledge and understanding, to build skills and build strength, to face our fears and our failures, and to begin again and again as our next best selves.

We practice horsemanship.

We practice Courage. Humility. Curiosity. Empathy. Patience. Diligence.

The Riding & Horsemanship at Hideaway is a comprehensive program for students who are committed to developing every aspect of their equestrian education from groundwork and equine psychology to horse and rider fitness.

Our instructors offer year-round weekly lessons on topics across the full breadth of equestrian experience including,

  • Leadline

  • Beginner Horsemanship

  • Rider Biomechanics

  • Harmony Horsemanship Training

  • Developing a Sound and Happy Equine Athlete

Your Coaches

We are passionate, life-long equestrians welcoming you to be part of our journey and honored to be part of yours.

Kate Roosa


Rider Biomechanics & Harmony Horsemanship

Danielle Russell


Beginner Horsemanship

Savannah Szumilas


Equine Performance through Relationship, Management, and Postural Development

Georgia Stone


Leadline Lessons

  • In an innately dangerous sport, there is no fun without safety. We honor the valuable role of fear, and model thoughtful risk assessment and creative problem solving to make plans that build confidence by balancing challenge with skill.

  • In some ways, riding is a deeply personal and individual sport, but our experience gains richness, depth and perspective when we ride together. Mentorship within our community is a constant source of support and inspiration.

  • It is a privilege to be allowed onto the back of a horse and one that carries a serious obligation. First, to be diligent in the care and comfort of our equine partners. And more importantly, to bring our best authentic self into the relationship each day through honest attention to our own well-being.

We Value

  • We are here for joy of connection: to the power and intuition of the horse, to the support of a community, to the cycles of life and learning, and to our own strength and wisdom.

  • Each step in the development of horse, rider and partnership is made thoughtfully to build them up. Confidence grows in consistent repetition building strength, suppleness, and skill towards the next best balance.

  • Optimal experience, called “flow,” lives in the space between anxiety, where challenge exceeds skill, and boredom, where skill exceeds challenge. Facilitating flow in horsemanship means seeking challenges that match the overlap between the skills of both the horse and rider.

We Are

The Foundations: Horsemanship

Beyond Foundations: Riding Disciplines

Program Details


$330/month includes:

  • One weekly lesson: private, group, or mix and match. Reschedule up to 12 hours ahead of your lesson to any time within the month.

  • Individual account access to our personal calendars to add private lessons or sign up for a group on a regular or flexible schedule.

  • Community message board account to connect with other riders and stay up to date on barn news.

  • Ten vacation weeks each year built into monthly pricing; you pay the same each month.

  • 20% off Hideaway events including: on-site clinics, day camps, and workshops.

  • Seasonal social and educational activities for all members.


Includes 6 sessions, expires in 10 weeks.

Leadline, $295

Ages 4-8, 30 minute private lessons focused on having fun building confidence and safety around horses.

Youth Obstacle Course, $420

Ages 8-12, 2 hour casual and collaborative experience where students work together to catch a horse, groom, tack up, build an obstacle course and navigate it!

New or Returning Rider, $630

Ages 12+, 45 minute private lessons focused on developing or regaining strength and confidence in managing and riding our horses.

Get Started

Registration FAQs

  • Spring Semester: end of February through the beginning of June (14 weeks)

    Summer Semester: end of June through beginning August (7 weeks)

    Fall Semester: September through December (14 weeks)

    Winter Semester: January and February (7 weeks)

  • We may shift or split vacation weeks to accommodate trips and events but maintain the correct number of weeks in each semester. Vacation weeks generally follow the school vacation calendar.

  • It will vary because different months have different numbers of teaching weeks according to the calendar and our vacation schedule.

  • If something comes up or you know you're going to be away one week, simply book two lessons the next week! Lessons need to be rescheduled at least 12 hours in advance and do not roll over for more than four teaching weeks.

  • We don't generally offer drop-in lessons at Hideaway. Consistency is one of the single biggest factors in success in riding. You won’t build relationships and you won’t build strength in the same way if you don’t make at least a weekly commitment to riding.

  • Our Travel Team is available to Members only. In your first lesson we can discuss your goals and determine how many days a week you should expect to ride.

  • Trail riding is available to members only.

  • If you also have an honest curiosity about horses and how they think, the Starter Series is the best way to prepare at Hideaway for a riding experience. Please note that we do not generally use Western tack and will cover more equine psychology and groundwork than is strictly necessary for your average public trail ride.